Sunday, June 27, 2010


Separation Relationships - Putting It Back Together

Separation relationships seem one step away from complete divorce or ending, but it doesn't have to be that way. Even if you're separated from your spouse or your partner, there is still hope. It does take two to make a relationship work. But the efforts of one can turn separation relationships into something that can be saved if both want that.

Separation relationships aren't always marriages. Couples who aren't married can also 'separate' without officially calling it quits. Sometimes this is because one or both feel the need to be apart to see how things to without completely ending the relationship.

This often happens after an infidelity is discovered. It can also happen when there's been any kind of breach of trust between the partners. While many think that a separation is just one step up from a divorce or a complete split, it can be a time of relationship healing instead.

If one person is opposed to ever getting back together, it seems unlikely they would agree to a separation instead of simply ending it. So often, a separation is really just a cooling off period while people try to figure out how to keep moving forward in the relationship after a bad patch.

Some people do agree to separate instead of splitting up like they really want in order to not hurt the other person. Unfortunately, this just postpones the hurt and really doesn't make anything easier.

You should assume in separation relationships that both people are at least willing to look at the idea of getting back together. There are cases where this is wrong, but you won't know which situations those are until you try.

Even if one person isn't ready to start trying again, there are steps you can take to make it easier for them to come back to you when they're ready. First, don't smother them. Make it clear that you want them back. Once you've stated that clearly and demonstrate it with your actions, they know it.

If you keep insisting on how badly you want them back, it's liable to have the opposite effect. By continually telling them you want them back and acting in a way you think will do that, you can make them feel controlled. This can be particularly bad if they felt controlled in the relationship.

If they committed an infidelity you want to forgive, stressing the rush to get back together can easily backfire. While they might be moved that you forgive them, they may have cheated because they felt controlled or dominated. Give them space instead.

If you committed an infidelity that caused the separation, then you definitely need to give them time to find out if they can forgive you. It's not easy to forgive such a betrayal, and if you press the issue it might be easier for them to move on then to rush to do so.

Treating your partner with thoughtfulness and respect is the best way to keep separation relationships from progressing in a negative way.

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