Sunday, June 27, 2010


Black Women Dating White Men  Make It Work

Black women dating white men is something you see more and more today. While this always happened, it's simply more accepted today as the world is becoming less racist. Unfortunately, there are areas where people may still stare and being openly disapproving. But you should do what you want and not worry about what other people think.

For black women dating white men, the same guidelines as dating any man apply. But on the other hand, the only difference isn't just the color of your skin. Because there's a different race, that means there's a different cultural heritage.

It may be important to you that he understands your culture. You shouldn't feel that this is an unreasonable request! If you have a strong sense of cultural pride, then he should at least be able to understand this. If he's unwilling to learn at least a little about your heritage, it may be time to move on.

By the same token, he may have a certain heritage you're not aware of. Some people have a strong sense of history in their families. He may relate very strongly to a specific European culture. Or he may have Native American roots, or ancestors from other cultures.

It's a mistake to think that a white person has no real heritage. Often, white people are viewed as just a mixture of a variety of cultures and that's not always the case. If you want him to have a sense of your heritage, then at least ask about his and find out what you can.

Black women dating white men sometimes make the mistake in thinking that there are no differences. But different cultures automatically have some differences in courtship. You may have to essentially teach your man how you expect to be treated.

If you have a strong sense of pride in your heritage and culture, you may be the first woman like that he's dated. It's important not to overwhelm him with this independence. But at the same time, you have to be who you are.

Be open and honest with him about how you expect to be treated. This is probably the best way to make sure you're not just a novelty. If he's just wanting to date black women because it gets him attention or is something different, you can weed that out right away.

Of course, don't think every man is like that. Don't view every white man who is interested in you as someone who just wants the novelty of dating a different race. But be aware that there will be men like that, and watch out for them.

The best thing to do is make it clear you're not a novelty by commanding respect from the very beginning. That's the best way to make sure you're treated exactly as you want to be treated. Black women dating white men who make it clear that they deserve only the best are the ones who end up with exactly what they're looking for.

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