Sunday, June 27, 2010


Enjoy The Scorpio Woman Relationship

A Scorpio woman relationship is one of the most potentially satisfying relationships you can have. If you handle things right, you could be in a long-term relationship full of passion and love. But there are plenty of ways to make a mistake in a Scorpio woman relationship, too.

It's important to understand that a Scorpio isn't like any other sign of the Zodiac. They're all unique, but few can be as unabashedly passionate as a Scorpio. Just look at the scorpion for a clue about a Scorpio woman relationship.

Scorpions can move fast on all those legs, and they can be sneaky about it. They have a hard carapace that protects them from danger. And while Scorpions will generally try to stay out of your way, they have a wicked stinger that they'll readily use to protect themselves.

Most Scorpions aren't deadly or even terribly dangerous. But that sting can cause severe pain. Just like a Scorpion, Scorpios will go to great lengths to protect themselves simply by getting out the way and blocking things out with a hard outer shell. But they'll also sting when provoked.

In a Scorpio woman relationship, if thing start to go badly, you might be the most horrible person on earth. And a Scorpio woman probably wouldn't hesitate to point out to you just how rotten you are. This could come just after she's been telling you how wonderful you are.

The potential for extremes is always present in a relationship with this Sun sign. For Scorpios, things are rarely ever gray or okay, they're either black or white. In fact, they're usually the deepest, darkest black and the brightest, most blinding white.

So when a Scorpio loves you and is happy with you, you'll practically be Mr. Perfect. Mess up, and you may be the devil himself.

If you're in a Scorpio relationship, you're probably used to having your inventory taken. Your woman knows your good points and probably does what she can to encourage you to show them more often. She also is aware of every flaw of yours, no matter how small.

Scorpios are good at noting flaws in others and are sometimes far too critical. This tendency comes out even more when things aren't going well. Every mistake you've ever made could be brought up, list-style, when she's not happy with you.

The good news is that these extremes can make a Scorpio relationship one of the most passionate and fulfilling you'll ever know. Scorpio's love of extremes also show themselves in thoughtfulness, so be prepared to be doted on when things go well.

And there may be extremes in the bedroom, as well. If things aren't rose-petal romantic and slow, they're probably a little kinky and very passionate. Scorpios love surprises and unexpected romantic gestures, so don't let anything get boring. If you can keep surprising her in passionate and romantic ways, you'll go far.

A Scorpio woman relationship can be a demanding one, but one that's well worth the effort.

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